perma collective

Stakeholder Engagement

Written by Jessica Gage

Stakeholder Engagement

At Perma Collective we are inspired by the principles of Permaculture. A solution based system focussed on connections that results in sustainable growth and management of risk. 

This circular approach highlights the importance of interacting with stakeholders (clients, suppliers and industry experts) to strengthen our business by ensuring we continually learn and evaluate, grow and adapt, understand and meet the needs of our clients, build strong and long-lasting relationships with our suppliers and understand the world we work in and the sustainability priorities of our network. 

We gather feedback on our service, and information on the industry, the world we work in and the sustainability priorities of our network. This information guides how we shape our business, our approach and our service. Once put into action we review the success of these changes and repeat the process.

This continuous engagement ensures sustainable growth, helps us manage risk, adapt to change and strengthens relationships with our various stakeholders, as they become part of our greater collective.