perma collective

And Begin captured by Kellie French

Written by Liam Bergin
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Perma Collective Co-Founder Camilla Sorensen, took charge of an exciting project that involved coordinating two simultaneous photo shoots. The goal? To capture both exquisite still-life images and the vibrant essence of talented individuals. Kellie French and Chris Floyd, represented by the bespoke visual artists agency Flock, teamed up to bring the vision for the launch of And Begin Skin Experts to life.

Kellie’s remarkable talent in the realm of Still Life was complemented by the expert touch of textural stylist Olivia Clifford. Together, they embarked on a mission to reveal the opulent ingredients within And Begin’s skincare products, resulting in a stunning collection of intricate macro textures that showcase the brand’s commitment to personalised luxury.

Through their stories, the message was clear: there’s no such thing as the wrong side of 50+. With a little assistance from the And Begin experts, the message rings loud and clear – “you can have it all.”

Client: And Begin  .  Stills: Kellie French 

Our Impact

To understand our impact, we first gathered the data from all crew and cast along any expenses such as hotels, catering and travel. (Essentially any project expense paid for by Perma Collective and invoiced to the client). We then inputted and measured our impact using AdGreens carbon calculator tool.

The footprint for this project reflects two still life shoots. The impact report is broken out per shoot.  In Phase one, our impact was 0.37 tCO2e which according to AdGreen, is 6% of the industry average. Below is our project impact report which breaks down the detail. Opting for a green studio space, vegan catering and green transport really helps to reduce the carbon created.